What women hate(& love) to hear men say

What women hate to hear men say
-"Just relax"
-"lighten up"
-"calm down"
-"you're over reacting"
-"you're geting hysterical"
-"don't be such a baby/don't be ridiculous/ don't be so insecure/paranoid/emotional"
-"you must be having PMS"

What men say to avoid communicating
-"I don't wanna talk abt it"
-"how long is this talk going to take?"
-"Are we going to be up all night talking about this?"
-"I can't deal with this now"
-"Here we go again"
-"Now what?!"
-"I thought we'd already talked about that."
-"you've been talking to your friends again, haven't you?"

Conversation stoppers
-"okay,okay,i'm wrong,are you happy now?"
-"Just forget it."
-"I'm sorry you feel that way."
-"I know what i'm doing."
-"i'll handle it."
-"Don't worry about it."
-"If you think i am so terrible, why don't you just leave?"

What men say to be noncommittal
-"we're figure it out."
-"Why not?"
-"Me too?"
-"That's just the way i am."

Verbal bombs:Say these at your own risk
"you remind me of my ex-girl friend."
-"have you put on a little weight?"
-"You're turning into my mother."
-"I need some peace."
-"Maybe men aren't meant to be monogamous."

And worst of all..


now,to gain your love,guys..

What women love to hear men say

-"i love you."
-"i need you"
-"i feel so lucky to be with you."
-"you're my best friend."
-"you're de only women in de world for me."
-"there's no on like you."
-"i don't know what i would do without you."
-"I can't imagine my life without you."
-"you're de answer to my prayers."

What to say to make her feel appreciated
-"You are so good to me."
-"You make me feel so happy."
-"i appreciate every little thing you do for me."
-"I love it when you...(something specific)."
-"You make such a difference in my life."
-"Thank you for everything you do."
-"Thank you for ...(anything)."

What to say to make her feel valued
-"how was your day?"
-"Let's discuss this n make a decsion together."
-"Let's plan...(anything)."
-"What do you think abt...(anything)."
-"Can i help you with ..(anything)."
-"what can i do for you right now?."
-"what do you need from me?"

What to say to open her heart
-"i'm sorry if i don't always give you what you need."
-"I'm sorry about(anything)."
-"thank you for putting up with me."
-"thank you for been patient with me."
-"i know i;m not always easy to get along."
-"Please forgive me for(whatever we need to hear from you)."

what to say to blow her minds
-"let's go shopping!."
-"let me clean de house for u!."
-"let'sturn off and tv n just talk."
-"wasn't there something you wanted to discuss with me?"