
Finally the perfect music i want. Many subtle nights i sat quietly in the room listening to this music piece. It's just so elegant, so beautiful.

I've got permission to post what this lady wrote into my blog. it's really expressive,and describes how i feel.

i've finally made up my mind to let him go.
despite everything, im still glad we had a chance to be together.
he was everything i wished for.
yet things just got worst as time goes by.
lesser phone calls. lesser meet ups.
just tons of sms to try to keep the relationship going.
all the disappointment for missing our dates, are too much a toll for me.

ive rememebered our cold wars.
1st time: 2 weeks.
2nd time: 3 weeks.
3rd time: 1 month.
4th time: 2 months.

not being able to meet him was such a terrible experience.
yet theres nothin i could do to change anything.
he just simply ignore whatever i tried to do to arrange for our meet ups.
even when i went over to his void deck and waited for him for 3 hours,
he just wouldn't answer my call or come to meet me.
just kept asking me to go home and we'll settle it again.

and for the last 2 days, playing MIA really got me thinking.

i've tried everything.
tried to act like i dont care. tried to keep quiet on anything about meeting up and just wait for him to initiate.
he did, yet on that day. he would never come.

i've given u all the chance and time i could handle.
now i've come to wits end and had to let go.
i dont wish to stay on to see how much worst this situation could get.

12.05.06 - 27.08.07
1 year 3 months 16 days.
a total of 473 days of love together.

thanks for the memories my love.

i loved you, so much.

Source:FP, A.Pearl