Countdown @ M Faber

I was invited to a private party function@ Mount Faber + Countdown. A splendid way to end 08 and start 09.

Watching fireworks on de roof top of Singapore sure is a breathing taking experience.

Watching de fireworks , a good unobstructed view+ no crowding + beautiful night sky scenery of SG = perfect scenerio

footnotes of 2008

08 was indeed a tough year for me. For I've literally saved my own sister from de clutches of death, and nurse her back to health. Death of my grandpa. Kinship is important to me and it's my utmost priority.

I'm never a zealot, a fanatic whom raise de banner of justice and scream vows and pledges. I prefer my ways. A quiet human revolution, through de most humanistic way of dialogue, philosophy, ideas and cultural exchanges.