Of Empowerment

Waking each morning, without waking as my thoughts have not stopped imagining what I will create, do, make, see, taste, touch, smell and repair even if it is only within my self.. You can create positive change in anything, once you do; it helps another in the universe, even when you think it will not. I truly know in my heart it will be rippled across the sea of the collective consciousness of humanity, no matter how small the act, it is always seen.

Deeply rooted within your being; or soul; one of these sensations, a number of them, or all; is finally provoked; and then awakens Passion.

Passion is not a singular thing; recognizing all sensations and needs create the desire to progress and change within' one's self. Pleasure comes from deep within your mind, and envelops your whole body giving you that urge to move forward, even if you are moving backwards.

"Failure is never final, and success is never fatal. It's courage that counts."-

John Wooden

Anger can create constructive anger, not destructive anger, as long as one can look beyond and see the greater good. One must rise and greet each day as though it were a sea of endless positive miracles that we create for ourselves.

Accomplishments are the by-product of passion, we all have desires that need to be fulfilled, and no amount of success is ever deemed as small. Every accomplishment that is achieved was made because of passion, which is the power within every human being to succeed.

Passion is a combination of the body as a whole; and the mind is the tool that guides the direction of fulfillment. Having passion is to know a hunger beyond all hungers; a thirst with no ability to quench; an ache with no resolve; passion is the truest human treasure because once we accomplish one thing we want more.

Giving birth to passion causes a rumbling of such depth, you can not think of anything else; for this is; life's purpose. Seething, waiting for a break by a chance encounter, under every persons skin is such passion.

Seeing, hearing, tasting, touching smelling, you are born with them all. Deeply rooted within your being; or soul; one of these sensations, a number of them, or all; is finally provoked; and then awakens Passion.

Passion is the seed that sprouts into accomplishment and ends in success, this is the most beautiful sensation.

Cast fear, and doubt aside; dream something, imagine it, feel it, smell it, taste it and you will achieve it. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. And you will achieve drive, passion and success in everything you do.
Empowerment is believing in yourself!