
Too many people i missed.
Too many memories to hold.
Too many lessons to learn.
Too much time wasted.

But right now,what can i do?

Everything changes when i change my mindset this very moment.

Let's change our mindset together this very minute,shall we?

Names i should never give my children in the future.

1)there's a Beauty Ho in TW, but i shall never name my daughter Beauty Foo (Beautiful). She's prob never forgive her father.
2) Also, Sinatra Foo. In Short ppl will call him Sin Foo (Sinful)

3)So now you get my drift, can't give my children wierd names, like playful,wilful, cheerful,pitiful,

4)Worse, imagine single word names, like Kung.

Kung fu. lol.

5)or maybe Call my son Yong tau. lol. boy i'm an evil future father in making.

6)The best name for my daughter? definately vote for April. Can imagine my daughter's name being called by her teacher 1st day of school.

April Foo!!! Muahahahaaha...

for now,i'm just glad my dad's a nice man, to give his son a normal name.