A Rollercoaster Ride Night

Here's some of the highlights of the recent August Xin yao night Friday Rendezvous.

The Girls practicing Bu Zhi de.

Yee Hong Weiming and me performing.(i'm the one in white)

and of cos, jiu jian(my idol)'s performance.

I sang like shxt!!! damn my performance really lack of practice with the boys. we were joking to call ourselves WYZ(haha)

and my trophy for de night was...Photo with Jiu Jian!~haha...
Thanks K n KB for bringing their friends down!

After the performance ended, Wilfred chauffeured me to visit my sister at SGH ard 1030pm. My butter-brained sister can still smile with drip inserted in her arm. Hai. (slap forehead)

And i didn't know in the female ward no guys are allowed to stay overnight till the nurse came over to remind me!!!(dumb right?) So i took a bus back.

After a happy Friday Rendezvous session, I took a bus(147) from Outram(SGH) back to Serangoon. Along the way, a young couple(18-20) boarded the bus and sat in front of me. Apparently from the body language of both of them, they had a tiff and the guy was upset with the girl (but no loud words was exchanged) The guy unwillingly dropped off at Selegie area. So the lady sat right in front of me, and started to tear, very slowly.

I was contemplating to pass tissue to her when suddenly, from the most unexpected thing happened.

The guy boarded the bus again at Potong Pasir area again! He was holding his wallet and a five dollar note(He took a cab to chase the bus) Her BF came back to look for her! He walked up to her, and wipe her tears off her face. Now I really don’t know if she was touched by her bf’s actions, or crying tears of sadness. But I was moved by his actions.

I mean, He actually took a cab to chase his Gf’s bus and came back for her, how many man can still do that nowadays? Guys being extremely egoistic creatures, tend to be unable to swallow their pride and run after their partner when one walks away. He came back for her.

And I believe that’s all that matters to her.

Below I’ve compiled a list of things I think a girl wants from her guy.

- Compliment her,

- cuddle her,

- kiss her,

- caress her,

- love her,

- stroke her,

- tease her,

- comfort her,

- protect her,

- hug her,

- hold her,

- spend money on her,

- buy things for her,

- listen to her,

- care for her,

- stand by her,

- support her,

- and last but not least, go to the ends of the earth for her.

Something so simple and yet so many failed to achieved.

End the night with calls to KB,ML n K.

What a night.